Meeting Minutes

General Meeting Mins

Welcome Packet- Discussed for New Year (30th Season)

  • Must be a returning member or new member to vote.
  • Must be a CGA member to ride at shows.
  • Los Vaqueros Membership Due by January.

CGA Membership Renewal

  • CGA will NOT send out forms to remind you of expired membership. You may pay for CGA membership at the show, mail in, or online on the CGA website.
  • Member’s responsibility to keep CGA membership up to date, but Jo Cloud will have Expired Membership sheet.

CGA Awards vs Club awards

  • CGA Awards are through the state- Club Awards for local club points.
    • CGA has Level 1 or Level 2 Awards you can try to achieve.
    • See CGA website for more information or ask a Board Member if interested in state level awards.
  • CGA is having convention this year
    • Date to be determined.
    • Chris Crane will be delegate to pick up awards for members who signed up for a state awards last year. Or you can mail in payment to CGA to have them shipped to you.

Buckle Series

  • We will continue to hold 4 show Buckle Series
  • Need sponsors
  • If you are a Los Vaqueros member you do not need to pay fee to be entered in buckle series.
  • Must ride in 3 of the 4 shows, and ride in at least 4 events at each show.


  • Discussed you can start the season in any division; you can rate in one division above.
  • Do NOT get points for division below or two divisions above.

Fund Raisers

  • Starting fundraisers at the beginning of the year.
  • Poker Ride only Mandatory fundraiser! Other fund raisers are optional
  • Popcorn Fundraiser- Melinda will hand out form in October.
  • Play day- Must be CGA member to ride. (Allowed one play day a year through CGA)
    • Unable to have Play day this summer due to heat.
    • Possibility of having it in fall. More information to follow.
  • Discussed the idea of a 4D Barrel Race Fund Raiser – Find a producer to help support, will need Los Vaqueros members to volunteer. More information will be posted at a later date.


Calendar for Next Year- Convention/Jr Rodeo

  • Convention is usually sometime in Fall. May have to use rain date for November show depending on when Convention is. Will post if dates need to be changed.
  • No schedule yet for Jr Rodeo’s next season.

Judges & Judges Test

  • Going to be possibly 2 judges down next season- In need of judges.
  • If you are interested in becoming a judge, contact a board member, or judge with any questions.
  • If you are ready to start apprenticeship you may contact state by email to receive a packet.

Awards Banquet

  • August 14th @ Deanna’s @ 4pm.
  • Catered by El Portal – Club will provide dessert & drinks.




  • Possibility of “A” 13 under Division- Not enough kids to split “A” division. Something to consider in the near future pending on the number of kids in A.
  • Needing RIDERS to be at the gate on time. (Does not include arena workers) Judges will give a 1 min call. If not at gate, you will be given a warning, and if it continues it may result in disqualification.
  • Kids to not play on the fence, or dirt hill behind arena.


Elections- Done


New 2021-2022 officers

President: Chris Crane

Vice President: Melinda Alexander

Treasure/ Show Secretary: Jo Cloud

Club Secretary: Kristina Wada

Board Members:

Penny Johnson

Sharon Pardon

Ashley Kirby

Cherish McKinney

Kristina Coffman


General Meeting & Elections

Our General Membership Meeting and Elections are August 8th 4:00 at the Steinhoff Ranch. If you would like to run for a office or become a board member please comment below which office you would like to be considered for. Officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 board member positions. We will be printing up a ballot and voting will be at the meeting. If you have any questions please ask.

Our awards Banquet will be August 22nd.